Monday, December 2, 2013


Monica got me in touch with a sweet woman by the name of Dorothy.  She has been through the entire adoption process adopting a child from China.  I have only spoke to her today on a couple of occasions but she has given me so much more knowledge on the adoption process.

One question I asked her was what agency she went through and if they treated her well.  She had rave reviews about the agency and the lady who she had do her home visits.  Something that struck a chord with me was the fact that she said that the agency prays over every family and every child.  Wow!  Now that is amazing.  So I had to check this agency out.

Jordan and I sat down this evening and filled out another pre-application through America World Adoption. ( and are now waiting again for another approval.  The approval process takes up to 3 business days.

This is now the fourth agency I have checked into and I have to say so far this is the agency I feel in my heart is right for us.  When we filled out the pre-application this is what it had on it;

Statement of Faith

*There is only one God; eternally existing in three persons:  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Matt. 28:19

*The Bible is the inspired, only infallible, written word of God.  2 Timothy 3:16, Mark 13:31
*Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died an atoning death and was resurrected. Luke 1:34-34, Acts 2:31
*All are sinful and require justification by grace through faith and rebirth by the Holy Spirit for salvation. Romans 5:1-5

I/We have confessed Christ as my/our Lord and Savior and believe this Statement of Faith and these verses.

Please acknowledge your acceptance by initialing: At lease one parent is REQUIRED to initial.

PRAISE THE LORD, HALLELUJAH!  That IS AWESOME!  An agency doing more than saving orphans lives by finding forever families, but also upholding the call to preach the Gospel to all who will hear.  Now that my friends, is why, I feel this is the agency for us.  Amazing, simply amazing!

Also through this agency I was able to follow links to other adoption websites that pointed us in the direction of the ABBA fund.  An organization that helps people to be able to financially afford the high costs of adoption.

This is very exciting also, because not only do they offer up a website for you raise funds but it also offers No Interest Loans!  AND for the fundraising side of things, for any person who contributes they can write it off on their taxes.

After some discussion Jordan and I decided that this is something we are going to further explore after the holiday.  So until then my plan is to 1) Pray 2) Await on our pre-approval from AWAA 3) Contact AWAA and start asking questions!

So thank you to our new friend Dorothy who has led us to AWAA and a whole slew of new possibilities.

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