Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Decision to adopt from China confirmed

So all night long after I emailed the preliminary application I have been reading up on China and reading a specific blog from a lady who adopted her youngest daughter from China.

I came across a post of hers that described the state of the orphanage her daughter resided in.  Tears welling up in my eyes, breaking my heart for a child that wasn't even my own and for the one who eventually I could call mine.

No one should ever have to endure such a sad state.

Here is her blog post http://ashleyannphotography.com/blog/2012/03/13/fever-struck/

I have never been more sure that my love will come from China.

Preliminary application

Yesterday I received our packet from Bethany services.  I was exhilarated and nervous all at the same time.  Could this be true, is this really happening.  It all seems like a dream. We talked to the boys last night about adopting and both were super excited.  Jacob kept asking when we were going to get it.  I had to remind him that the child is a "she" not an "it".  Isaac was super excited, he said, "I just want to hold the baby."  It was super sweet and such a relief that both boys are on board.

Today at work I prayed for God's will, His direction, and guidance, and that if adopting is in His plans for our lives, our family, and for a child overseas that we don't even know yet that He would show His favor.

When I got home today from work I filled out the preliminary application, Jordan finished it off for me, and then I submitted it.

Now we wait....

God reveal yourself in this, let your will be done.  Amen

Sunday, November 24, 2013

November 24th, 2013

After many years of discussion, today is the day I have taken the first step towards adoption.

Jordan and I have been talking about adoption for quite some time now but not until today have we really put our words to action.

I went onto Bethany.org today and ordered an information packet.  I plan to bathe this decision in prayer, to make sure this is the right thing for my entire family.

However I feel giddy inside, oh how I long for another baby and we have always thought it would be awesome to adopt.  To be able to give a child a home and a family who is without.  The giddiness also is mixed with a little fear.  Fear of the unknown.

I will just put my trust in Christ that He knows the plans He has for us, and if He see's this fit for our family that He will provide.

I have always wanted to adopt from China, especially after taking a mental retardation class in College that told us that many children in the orphanages in China never get touched, held, hugged, loved etc. etc and as a result develop severe disabilities from that lack of touch.

Could you imagine, never being touched by another human being?  To never be loved, hugged, or kissed?  These sweet babies need us, and if it is God's will I want to be the one to love them.

James 1:27
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.